January 2015

To twenty fourteen, to twenty fifteen

So 2014 has ended, and 2015 begins, a year anew.

I’ve overheard several people already, yesterday and today, proclaim that they ‘don't care too much for New Year’s.” (Perhaps the New Years past have held too many overpriced parties, too many days of hungover regret?) 

I for one love the idea of celebrating the New Year: the chance to start again. 
Even if I may fail again.
(I might succeed). 

I get the same feeling every year when September rolls around; it's been years since I've been a schoolgirl, and yet I can't help that rush of clarity in the heart, the new breath that blows in with the chill of the fall. How many second chances does one get? 

And yet, every new year we live, we are given this set point in time in which we may press reset, and try again.

Sure, we could probably choose any point in time to wipe the slate clean. We all do it every day, in different ways. But there's nothing like a full year - all three hundred and sixty-five days, fifty two weeks, thirty-one and a half million seconds - to give us some perspective on time passed, and the time to begin. 

So Happy New Year: 

  • to resolutions not achieved, to resolutions that were; 
  • to new friendships made, to old friendships renewed; 
  • to running forth between the highest of highs, the lowest of lows; 
  • to shame now to be forgotten, to the joys to be treasured;
  • to the raptures, and to the despairs;

and to an astonishing and wondrous year ready to be lived.


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