aka What I'm Almost Sure in the Blogosphere is Known as a Cheater Post
But hey. At least I'm persevering, right?
Today's song, while not particularly esoteric or profound, is fun, energetic, and has been not only "that song" that I end up playing on repeat beyond the auditory saturation point, but is the song I use to pump myself up before I step onto the Labor and Delivery floor.
That means this is a Big. Deal.
I was introduced to it a week ago at the Move DC march on Washington, held by Invisible Children, a group mostly known for viral video Kony 2012 and, unfortunately, its founder's viral nervous breakdown. It should be better known for its stand against children soldiers and sex trafficking, which is being perpetrated by the IRA and its leader, Joseph Kony. Regardless of criticism leveled against the founder and foundation, it is a great cause, and it was a great rally, which will be the subject of another post.
BUT, even better, it introduced me to "I Knew You Were Trouble" by T Swift.
I know. I know. But it's good. Give it a listen. Or two. Or three...
(Final thoughts: This version is pitched--the semi-'dub step' is more pronounced in the original. I am a not-so-closet Taylor Swift fan--can't help it. I think it's about John Mayer. Next Tuesday, there might be some pretentiousness and "some indie record that is much cooler than mine," to quote Ms. Swift herself.)
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